Memorandum Submitted to the Secretary on 10.10.2008

The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi 110001

Respected Madam,

Sub: Sixth Pay Commission anomaly in IP/ASP cadre. - reg.

The cadre of Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts are dismayed to note that the Sixth Central Pay Commission and Govt. of India have not done justice to this cadre. This Association brings the following anomalies pertaining to the cadre to the notice of our respected Madam for redressal and rendering justice.

Inspector Posts:

After Fifth Pay Commission, the Inspectors were placed in the scale of pay Rs.5500-175-9000 (S-10). Their scale of pay was more than the scale of pay for HSG II officials i.e Rs.5000-150-8000 (S - 9). This was due to the fact that the job contents and expectations of Inspectors Posts were certainly distinct and carried higher responsibilities. The Inspector is required to supervise the functions of all operative staff including the supervisors in HSG II grade. But the Sixth Pay Commission has done away with the distinctions by placing the Inspector Posts in the same Pay Band i.e PB -2 along with HSG II and BCR PAs and the Grade pay of Rs 4200/-is the same for all those who hold the above posts. This has defeated the principle that the Supervisor should get more pay than those supervised.

Due to bunching of previous pay scales, it may be inevitable to place certain cadres in higher pay bands. The Department of Posts would agree that the nature of job performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts is not comparable in any manner with that performed by the operative Postal Assistants and Supervisors.

While clubbing several pay scales, the Sixth Pay Commission has also made it clear that the cadres would be distinguished only by their distinct grade pay and not by their Pay Band. Placing operative staff /supervisors and Inspectors in the same Pay Band without even elementary distinctions in Grade pay would create functional disturbances in the Department and would certainly erode the command and control structure of the organization. The Department has learnt the lesson the costliest way. The Fourth Pay Commission created several anomalies and they were set right only by the Fifth Pay Commission. In para 30.16 of its recommendation, the Fifth Pay Commission observed that the neglect of the cadre of Inspector Posts is bound to prove costly. But the Sixth Pay Commission has once again reintroduced certain anomalies by overlooking the functional distinctions between operative Postal Assistants/Supervisors and Inspector Posts. As per the Revised Pay Rules 2008, the initial pay of directly recruited Inspector Posts has to be fixed at Rs.9300/- in Pay Band-2 with corresponding grade pay Rs.4200/-. The new recruits will have lower start of pre-revised pay of Rs.5000/- but not Rs.5500/- or Rs.6500/-Thus the pay has actually been lowered and not upgraded.

It is therefore necessary that the cadre of Inspector Posts should get their due recognition and this comes only when the pay structure has distinct features. From the Notification dated 29.08.2008 issued by Govt. of India, it is seen that the Govt. of India has been magnanimous enough to order higher grade pay than the one recommended by Sixth Pay Commission in respect of several cadres from Pay Band 3 upwards. The Inspector Posts in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.5500-175-9000 (S-10) carrying distinctly higher responsibilities and statutory powers, comparable with any other equivalent cadre in other Departments/Ministries, should be given at least the next higher pay scale equivalent to pre-revised scale of pay Rs.7450-225-11500 with corresponding grade pay i.e. Rs. 4600/- which is justified and which alone would only restore the functional efficiency badly needed to manage at the field level. Alternatively, to maintain the hierarchical distinctions, it is but necessary to place the Inspectors above the operative supervisors at least by upgrading their Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/-.

In para 7.6.14, the Sixth Pay Commission has recommended higher pay scale for Inspector Posts i.e. Rs. 6500-10500 accepting the demand of our Association that this post is analogous to the post Income Tax Inspectors of CBDT, which has been upgraded from Rs 5500 – 9000 to 6500-10500 w.e.f 21.04.2004. But the fixation for Inspector Posts is done only with reference to their pay in old pay scale i.e. Rs.5500-9000, whereas the Inspectors Income Tax would be in an advantageous position by getting their pay fixed with reference to their upgraded pay scale i.e. Rs.6500-10500. Thus the Inspector Posts would stand to lose Rs.1860 by way of initial fixation. The Association submits that fixation with reference to their old pay scale would amount to perpetuation of injustice and amounts to an anomaly. The Sixth Pay Commission has already recommended upgradation of pay scale of Inspector Posts on par with other Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC from Rs 5500–175–9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500. It has also been accepted by the Govt. in its resolution dated 29.8.2008.

PART - B of Section I (ii) of Notification dated 29.8.2008, (REVISED PAY SCALES FOR CERTAIN COMMON CATEGORIES OF STAFF) reads as follows:

“On account of merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500, some posts which presently constitute feeder and promotion grades will come to lie in an identical grade. The specific recommendations about some categories of these posts made by the Pay Commission are included Section II of Part B. As regards other posts, the posts in these three scales should be merged. In case it is not feasible to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional considerations, the posts in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 should be merged, with the post in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 being upgraded to the next higher grade in pay band PB-2 i.e. to the grade pay of Rs.4600 corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-11500. In case a post already exists in the scale of Rs.7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs.7450-11500.”

As stated in pre paras, merger of the pay scale of Inspector Posts with that drawn by operational staff would create serious functional imbalance in maintaining service, command and control and supervision at field level. Therefore it becomes necessary to maintain the distinct identity of the Inspector Posts and consequently they should be placed in higher pay scale/grade pay as has been done in respect of cadres in PB-3 and PB-4 and Inspector Posts may be placed in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-225-11500 (S-13) with corresponding grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.

In the Department of Posts, a few posts designated as Assistant Managers (Mail Motor Service) exists and they were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 5500-9000. Earlier there were two grades viz. Inspector (MMS) and Assistant Manager MMS and after 5th Pay commission, the two cadres were merged to form a single cadre called “Assistant Manager (MMS)” in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000. The Assistant Manager (MMS) is wholly a promotional cadre to the Postal Assistants in MMS.

A common identical departmental examination is held for promotion to the post of Inspector (Posts)/Assistant Manager (MMS). As per the accepted recommendations of Sixth CPC, the Inspector Post is placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 6500-10500. But as per serial No. 6 under MOC&IT Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008, the pre-revised pay scale of Assistant Manager (MMS) is shown as Rs 6500-10500 with the upgraded scale as Rs 7450- 11500. This obviously means that while a Postal Assistant in Postal side, on promotion would be placed in the pay scale of Rs 6500-10500, but the Postal Assistant promoted from MMS would be placed in a higher pay scale of Rs 7450-1150 i.e on par with Assistant Superintendent Posts creating a level jump for the Assistants in MMS.

Assistant Superintendent Posts:

The Assistant Superintendent Posts (Gazetted), a promotional post to the Inspector Posts and involving still higher responsibilities, in the pre-revised Pay Scale of pay Rs.6500 - 10500 have also been placed in PB-2 with due upgradation to the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.7450-225-11500 and they would also be getting Rs.4600/- as Grade Pay. This post conferred with Gazetted status carries higher responsibilities than the Postmasters in HSG I (non-Gazetted) in General line. As higher pay Scale and corresponding Grade Pay for Inspector Posts are justified, the pay scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts should also be upgraded to that of the pre-revised scale of pay Rs 7500 - 250 -12000 (S -14) with corresponding Grade pay of Rs 4800/-.

A few posts designated as Deputy Manager/Manager (Mail Motor Service) exist and they were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500. The Deputy Manager/Manager (MMS) is wholly a promotional cadre to the Assistant Manager (MMS). As per the accepted recommendations of 6 CPC, the Assistant Superintendent Posts is placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7450-11500. But as per serial No. 7 under MOC&IT Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008, the pre-revised pay scale of Deputy Manager (MMS) is shown as Rs 6500-10500 with the upgraded scale as Rs 7500- 12000. This obviously means that a Deputy Manager who was so long holding an analogous post as that of Assistant superintendent Posts, has now been placed equal to that of Divisional Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B. It is worth mentioning here that under sl.5, 6 & 7 of Section II, the pre-revised scale of Pay of Superintendent (Posts), Assistant Manager (MMS) and Deputy Manager (MMS) are shown as Rs 6500-10500, which is not true. It is therefore clear that the scales of pay noted against sl. 5,6 & 7 lack clarity. The revised pays of Assistant Manager (MMS) and Deputy Manager (MMS) have already been fixed as laid down in the Revised Pay Rules 2008.

Superintendent (P.S. Gr. B)

Postal Superintendents (P.S. Gr. B) is a promotional post to IP/ASP cadre. It constitutes the vital managerial head at the crucial Divisional level. Majority of the Postal Divisions and all Postal Stores Depot and Circle Stamp Depots are managed by Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B. unlike the Section officers in other Departments/Ministries.

Before sixth CPC, the Assistant Accounts officers were in the pay scale of Rs 7450- 11500 and the Accounts officers were in Rs.7500-12000. But as a result of the recommendations of Sixth CPC, the pay scales of above cadres have been upgraded to Rs.7500-12000 and Rs.8000-13500 respectively. The job content and responsibilities of Superintendent of Post Offices vis-à-vis those in the accounts line do not appear to have been objectively done. As a result, the pay scale of those in the accounts line has been upgraded.

Similarly, the Section Officers in CSS who were in the pay scale of Rs 6500 – 10500, have been upgraded to Rs.7500-12000 with further upgradation to the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 after 4 years. Thus all the cadres in the Govt. and particularly in the Department of Posts have been given the benefit of upgradation to next higher pay scale. But the Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B manning vast Postal Division with nearly 700 staff working under him with huge responsibility of maintaining the service and also disciplinary powers has not been given due recognition and their pay scale remains at Rs. 7500 -12000 with non functional upgradation to the pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 after 4 years.

The post of Assistant Accounts officer is now placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7500-12000. But the duties and responsibilities of Assistant Accounts officers, with no administrative, financial or disciplinary powers are nowhere comparable to the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B. In administrative offices and Circle Stamp Depots, the Assistant Account officers are working under the control of Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B and keeping the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B on par with the Assistant Accounts Officers would amount to undermining their position and would create abnormal functional disturbance.

As per para 4.1. (iv) of the Resolution dated 29.8.2008 issued by Govt. of India, in the revised ACP scheme, officials are entitled to automatic non-functional upgradation to the next higher scale of pay, if they continue to remain in the same grade for more than 10 years. As on date the Assistant Superintendent Posts get their normal promotion to P.S. Group B only after 15 years. By virtue of the latest ACP scheme, the Assistant Superintendent Posts would be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 on non-functional basis. Thus they would be brought on par with the Superintendents in P.S.Gr. B. The post of Superintendent P.S. Gr. “B” is also a promotional post to the cadre of Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts. Now there will be only thin difference between Assistant Superintendent Posts and Superintendent (Posts). This again would create abnormal functional disturbance. Hence the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B should always be placed above the pay scale of Assistant Accounts officers and Assistant Superintendents Posts.

One more anomaly arises out of the fact that a BCR Postal Assistant, for whom the Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B is the appointing authority, would also be in the same Pay Band (PB-2 in Rs 9300- 34800) i.e the official who is appointed by the Superintendent P.S. Gr. B and also the appointing authority himself are in the same pay band, which also creates obvious functional disturbance.

The non-upgradation of the pay scale of Postal Superintendent Gr.’B’ appears to be due to the fact that their pre-revised pay scale is incorrectly shown as Rs 6500-10500 against serial No. 5 under MOC&IT in Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008 instead of Rs 7500-12000. The recommendations of the 6CPC to upgrade the pay scale of several cadres have been accepted by the Govt. While the pay scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts has been upgraded to Rs 7450-11500, it would be mockery to place the Postal Superintendent Gr. B at Rs 7500-12000, which cannot be deemed to be a promotion by any stretch of imagination. On the analogy adopted for HSG I (General line), Inspectors Posts, Assistant Superintendent Posts, Assistant Accounts Officer, Accounts Officer etc., the post of Postal Superintendent Gr. B should be upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 and the fitment benefits accorded as per the upgraded revised scale of pay from the initial stage itself.

Specific anomalies arising out of the implementation are described in Annexure I & II


This Association therefore demands the following to remove the inherent anomalies:

(A) Inspector Posts:
I. The Inspector Posts should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7450-11500 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/-.

II. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) as they are recruited through the same examination.

III. The minimum of the entry pay for Inspector Posts should fixed at Rs 12540/- with reference to the minimum of pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7450/- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/-(as mentioned in Section II of the First Schedule of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

(B) Assistant Superintendent Post:
I. The Assistant Superintendent Post should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7500-12000 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4800/-.

II. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Assistant Accounts Officers/Deputy manager (MMS) in the Department of Posts.

III. The minimum of the entry pay of for Assistant Superintendent Posts promoted after 1.1.2006 should fixed at Rs 13350/- with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500-12000 /- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4800/-.

( C ) Superintendent Posts (in P.S. Gr.B):
I. The Superintendent Post in P.S. Gr. B should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 5400/-

II. After 4 years, the cadre should be placed in PB-3 on par with Accounts Officers.

III. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Accounts officers in the Department of Posts.

IV. The minimum of the entry pay of for Superintendent Posts (P.S. Gr. B) promoted after 1.1.2006 should fixed at Rs 15600/- with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 /- PB-3 with grade pay of Rs 5400/-.

Yours sincerely,

/S. Samuel/
General Secretary

Annexure I

Anomaly in the Pay Scale of Inspector Posts:

In para 7.6.14, the recommendations of 6 CPC has been accepted by Govt. and the Inspector Posts has been placed in higher scale i.e 6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of CSS on the ground that they are also recruited through the same examination. But the fixation of revised pay is being done with reference to the Pay Band - 2 i.e 9300-34800. The anomalies arising out of fixation are described below:

Example 1A:
For those promoted as Inspector Posts prior to 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs 5500-9000 and holding the minimum of the pay scale on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 5500-9000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 5500
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 10230
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 10230
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4200
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 14430/-

Example 1B:
Inspector Posts appointed on or after 1.1.2006 (Direct Recruit & promoted officials
upto 8 years of clerical service)

Pay Band applicable :PB-2 Rs 9300-34800

Entry Pay :Rs 9300 (As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first
Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules,

Grade Pay attached to the scale :Rs 4200

Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay : Rs 13,500/-

This shows that though the Inspector Posts were holding the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5500-9000, the basic pay of those promoted as Inspector Posts after 1.1.2006 is done with reference pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5000-8000 which causes drop in total emoluments to the tune of Rs 930/-. Thus those who are promoted after 1.1.2006 stand to lose heavily due to revised fixation. Hence the Entry Pay of Inspector Posts should be determined only with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5500-9000. i.e. the entry pay should be:

Rs 5500x1.86 = 10230+ Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4200/- i.e. his Total pay should be Rs 14430/-.

/S. Samuel/
General Secretary

Anomaly in the Pay Scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts:

Example 2A:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing at the minimum of Rs 6500/- as on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 6500-10500
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 6500
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 12090
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 12090
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4600
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 16,690/-

Example 2B:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing at the stage of Rs.6700/- as on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 6500-10500
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 6700
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 12470
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 12470
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4600
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 17,070/-

As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules-2008), the entry pay for those entitled to Grade pay of Rs. 4600/-, the entry pay should be Rs 12540/-. But as could be seen from the examples 2A and 2B, the basic pay arrived at as per the new fitment formula is less than the entry pay allowed for this Grade Pay. Hence the Entry pay for those drawing at Rs 6500/- and Rs 6700/- as on 1.1.2006 should be fixed at Rs 12540/-

Hence the minimum Entry Pay of Assistant Superintendent Posts should be Rs 12540/- + Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4600/- i.e. his Total pay should be Rs 17140/-.

/S. Samuel/
General Secretary


Annexure II

Anomaly arising out of Annual Increment:

As per the Annual Increments are to be drawn only on 1st July of every year. This has created a peculiar situation wherein those drawing increment in the first half-year stand to lose heavily as service rendered for nearly six months does not get any weightage. But those drawing increments in the second half of the year stand to gain. This is an unintended benefit. The revised fitment formula has already reduced the margin of difference between juniors and seniors. The present ‘annual increment’ formula has once again caused drop in emoluments.

Old Pay in Assistant Superintendent Cadre
Revised Pay
Rs 8700
Rs 16190
Rs 8700
Rs 16190
Rs 8700
Rs 16190

In order to remove such anomalies the Govt. should reconsider the decision and allow drawal of increments at least once in a quarter as is being done in many State Governments.

/S. Samuel/
General Secretary
Pay Scale of Postal Superintendent Gr. ‘B’:

Example 3A:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing Pay up to the stage of Rs 7100/- as on 1.1.2006 and promoted as P.S. Gr. B

Existing scale of pay : Rs 7500-12000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 7100
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 13206
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 13210
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4800
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 18010/-

Example 3B:

For those Inspector Posts drawing pay up to the stage of Rs 7075/- as on 1.1.2006 and promoted as P.S. Gr. B.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 7500-12000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 7075
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 13159.50
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 13160
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4800
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 17960/-

As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules, 2008), the entry pay for those entitled to Grade pay of Rs 4800/-, the entry pay should be Rs 13350/-. But as could be seen from the examples 3A and 3B, the basic pay arrived at as per the new fitment formula is less than the entry pay of Rs 13350/- allowed for this Grade Pay. Hence the entry pay for those drawing upto Rs 7100/- in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs 6500-10500 and Rs. 7075/- in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs 5500- 9000 as on 1.1.2006 should be fixed at Rs 13350/-

Hence the minimum Entry Pay of Postal Superintendent Gr. B should be Rs 13350/-
+ Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4800/- i.e. his Total
pay should be Rs 18150/- .