News from GS

Dear friends,
Visit to Directorate Nov 2008
A team consisting of myself, Sh.S.Ravi CHQ Treasurer and Sh.Y.Venkateshwarulu Org.Secretary met the DG(Posts) on 06.11.2008 and discussed the main issue pertaining to the pay scales recommended by SCPC and anomalies arisen out of Revised Pay Rules, 2008. Respected madam DG heard our submission patiently and instructed the Pay Commission Cell to have a detailed discussion with us and solve the problem. We had a detailed discussion on 07.11.2008. Sh. Janardan Sharma, GS, Postal Officers' Association also joined us. DDG (Est) and other two officers in the Dte. participated in the discussion. A critical analysis about the pay commission anomalies, functional disturbance, imbalance created among analogous cadre etc. was made. A comparative study of pay scales given to JAO, AAO, AO, AM(MMS), HSG-II and BCR officials was also made. Finally the officers were convinced and understood our genuine demand. We demanded Rs 7450 for IP, Rs 7500 for ASP and Rs 8000 for PS Gr B. The Dept. accepted and assured us to send proposal to Finance Ministry with all justification and recommendations. Copy of our Memorandum dated 10.10.2008 submitted to DG is attached.
Again I was invited by Sh. Jyotiraditya M Scindia, Hon,ble Minister of State (C&IT) for meeting on 'Project Arrow' at Electronic Nikedan, New Delhi-110003 on 11.11.2008. After the meeting I handed over a memorandum dated 11.11.2008 personally to the Hon'ble Minister. The Minister assured of all help. Copy of the memorandum is attached.
All Sub Divisions are likely to get proper infrastructure, Computer, telephone, Assistance, Admin/Financial Powers very soon. File is moving fast. The issue was figured during meeting with DG.
Member(P) retired on 31.10.2008 and Director (Staff) is on training upto 23.11.2008. All DPCs are pending. DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr B is likely to be held during first week of Dec 2008.
Grade pay for IP is upgraded to Rs 4600. It is learnt Finance Ministry has sent file to Cabinet for approval.
PS Gr B officers who have completed 4 years of service as on 1.1.2006 will get higher Grade Pay Rs 5400 in Pay Band –2 w.e.f 1.1.2006. Directorate has issued orders on 04.11.2008.
We have explained the difficulties faced by ASP/IP working in rural area in producing food bills for claiming TA bill and requested DG and DDG(Est) to issue separate orders for claiming DA without production of food bills. Dte. will issue orders very soon.