Assistant Administrative Officer - Gp 4800/- Section Officers - Gp 4800/- Eligibility Gp 4200 and above For Details ple…
Registration (Letters , POstcard , ALC) Revised from Rs.15 to Rs.50/- Bulk Bags from Rs.75 to Rs.200/- Advice of Delive…
Photo of press conference held at Calicut
The Circle Conference of our association will be held on May 8th at Hotel GAZALA INN, Near HPO, Palakkad at 11 AM. All…
Department of Personnel and Training vide Memo No F.No. 3 101 11412007-Estt.(A) dated 20.4.2010 has extended the facili…
a. Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo Processor b. Memory : 1GB DDR2-800Mhz c. HDD : 250GB 5400RPM SATA Har…
Dte has issued purchase order for supply of lap top and laser printer to all subdivisions. A copy of the list can be …
Please download the membership verfication form from the link below and send to Sri Ajithkumar , ASP Perintalmanna at t…
CO has called for the the CR of the following Officiating ASP / IPs 1. P.S.Sathimol 2. K.Geetha 3. B.Vijayalakshimi 4. …
All members are requested to return the membership verfifcation form to Sri Ajithkumar, Secretary before 20th April. Th…
Sri. P.P.Chacko alloted to Kerala Circle is posted as Asst. Director (PMU). The officer has joined the post on 6.4.10. …
1. Sri. M.Mohandas DDM(PLI) is transferred and posted as SSRM RMS TV Division vice Sri. K.P.K.Unnithan officiating SSRM…
Friends unless we stand united and work with commitment and dedication we can’t achieve any of our genuine demands. In …
Secretary Post addressing the gathering Kerala Circle CS addressing the gathering Sri Roopchand new GS Sri Dinesh Khere…
Shibu M Job has assumed the charge of DPS(CR) on 29.3.2010 F/N
Jayakumar N S, IP(TGY) RO Kochi posted as IP(Mails) RO Kochi V Rajeev, Manager, NSPC, Raipur, Chattisgarh Circle posted…
The All India Biennial Conference was successfully held at New Delhi. Around 300 Delegates from 19 Circle out of 22 Cir…