Adhoc postings in Group B

1. Sri Sivasubramanyadasan , ASP OS , Ottappalam Dn, promoted on adhoc basis and allotted to Central Region vice Sri Mohanaprasad granted leave.

2.Sri. V.Balakrishnan Nair, ASP Nedumangadu, promoted on adhoc basis and posted as AD(FS), CO vice Sri. G.Mohanan granted HPL for 60 days from 28.7.10 to 25.9.10

3. A.R.Reghunathan officiating AD(BD), CO on reversion, is promoted and posted as AD(LC),C.O (in modification to the earlier order issued) vice Sri. R.Gopalakrishna Pillai granted commuted leave on MC for 58 days from3.8.10 to 29.9.10.

4. Sri. T.K.Jacob, ASP(OD) IJK Dn is promoted on adhoc basis and alloted to CR vice Sri. K.Gokuldas, AD(Staff), RO Kochi granted leave on MC for 60 days from 2.8.10.

Hearty congrats to the officers .