Identifying IPO line posts for creation of Postmasters cadre

The issue of identifying IPO line posts for the creation of Postmasters cadre was discussed with Chief PMG today.The direction said to have been given by Directorate to Tamil Nadu Circle to keep in abeyance the proposed move to identify 18 IPO line posts was poined out to Chief PMG.

The Chief PMG assured that she would discuss the matter with DDG (P) and if any instructions have been issued to Tamil Nadu Circle to exclude the IPO line posts, the same would be made applicable in Kerala Circle also. A letter from the Association in this regard is also proposed to be given to Chief PMG, a copy of which is furnished below:


This is regarding the proposed action to identity IPO line posts of Postmasters in Kerala Circle as part of implementing the scheme of creating a separate cadre of Postmasters. (Postmaster Grade III) It is ascertained that the entire 8 IPO line posts in the Circle have been identified for this purpose. In this connection, it is brought to your kind notice that in the Dte. letters No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22.11.2010 and 25.11.2010, it was very clearly mentioned that the cadre of postmasters will be made by carving out the posts from the existing general line cadre posts (emphasis supplied). As such, the proposed action is against the spirit of the instructions contained in the said Directorate letters.

You may also appreciate that in all other Circles except in Tamil Nadu, IPO posts were not identified for creating the cadre of Postmaster Grade III. Even in Tamil Nadu, it is learned that the move to include 18 IPO line posts have been dropped as per subsequent instructions from the Directorate and action is being taken to re-identify some other general line posts as per revised Directorate instructions.

In view of the above, it is requested to follow the same course of action taken in Tamil Nadu in Kerala Circle also and to exclude the IPO line posts already identified and circulated for creating the cadre of Postmaster Grade III. An early positive action along with a line in reply is highly solicited.

Yours faithfully

Circle Secretary

The Association would like to assure all the members that the matter will be closely monitored and no efforts will be spared to find an amicable solution to the issue.