

Re-scheduling of Group Meetings- All India Conference fund raising campaign

In view of the Training Programme on Marketing Plans and Strategies announced by CO in the month of October for IPs/ASPs, the proposed Group Meetings of the Association to be held on 15, 22 and 29th of this month in all the 3 regions has been re-scheduled to November 5, 12 and 19 in NR,CR and SR respectively. Exact venues will be announced later. All members are requested to ensure their particpation in the said meetings;

As already informed the next All India Conference of the Association is scheduled to be held at Bangalore on 27 to 29th of January 2012. In this connection a nation wide fund raising compaign was launched in the CWC held at Patna and our Circle has been given a target of Rs 50,000. As such, all members are requested to contribute Rs 200/- each for raising funds for the national conference. The ASP(HQs) of each Division are requested to co-ordinate the collection in each Division and to forward the amount to our Treasurer. All the members are requested to co-operate earnestly in this endevour so as to make our All India Conference a grand success.