

Directorate reply on Sr. PM Examination

File No. A.34012/06/2011-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications and IT
Department of Posts
(DE Section)
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110116.
Dated 13th April, 2012.
The General Secretary,
All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt Supdt. Posts,
Quarter No. 12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square,
Civil Lines, Delhi 110 054.  

Sub : Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of  Senior Postmaster (Gazetted).

          I am directed to refer to your letter No. CHQ/IPASP/Sr.Postmaster/2012 dated 22/3/2012 on the above mentioned subject.  

2.       Your contention that, the clarification given by the Directorate, is not in conformity with the Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad bench orders on 21/1/2/2011 is not correct. The Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad bench admitted the Original Application Number 1316/2011 filed by All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts Andhra Pradesh circle, represented by Shri S. Shabbir and two others on the question of non permission of Asst. Superintendents, to appear in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmaster. It gave an interim order in Para 4 of their order dated 21/12/2011 which reads “as in the original notification/rules, there is no prohibition for the ASPs from appearing for the examination, it is directed that all the eligible ASPs shall be allowed to appear for the examination and their answer sheets shall be evaluated and shall be kept in a sealed cover without publishing their result until further orders”. Therefore, the CAT has not given any finding.  

3.       On receipt of above Interim order, the case was examined and the Competent Authority has ordered for postponing the Examination till the final disposal of the court cases. Besides the above, two more individual cases are filed in Hon’ble CAT Hyderabad, two cases in Cuttack bench, one case in Chandigarh bench. All these cases are being defended. 

4.       The question of Amendment of Recruitment Rules for Senior Postmasters, has to be examined only after final outcome of the court cases. In regard to Calendar of Departmental Examination, the date was tentatively notified and the date of actual holding has to be decided on knowing the outcome of court cases filed in various Tribunals.

5.       This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Director General (DE)