As announced, the CWC of our Association was held at Shirdi on 12th and 13th of October, 2012. A five member delegation consisting of the following members represented Kerala Circle:
(i) S/Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy
(ii) Ajith Kurian
(iii) K.Manoj
(iv) B.Padmakumar'
(v) Mohammad Sherif.
A total of 17 Circles participated in the CWC which witnessed active discussions and deliberations. The pivotal issue which came up for discussion was the Grade Pay issue in the wake of the rejection of the demand for GP of 4600 for IPs by the MOF. After threadbare discussions, it was decided to pursue the matter further in the Court of Law by filing a fresh case before the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench as per the advice of the Advocate. In the new case, the speaking order to be issued by the DOP will be put under challenge. It was also decided that the Association represented by the GS will implead as one of the applicants in the case. The CWC also decided to offer all financial help in the conduct of the case. For this purpose, all the small Circles will contribute Rs 5000 each and bigger Circles Rs 10,000 each which is to be forwarded to the CHQ by the end of this month itself. Further action will be taken immediately on receipt of the speaking order from the DOP. Kerala Circle assures all support and co-operation to the CHQ and Sri. Permanand in pursuing the case at CAT Ernakulam.