GS writes to DG Posts on conduct of PS Group B Examination

Copy of the letter given to DG Posts on the above issue is reproduced below for the information of all the members:

No. GS/AIAIASP/PS Gr. B/2012                                   dated   25th October, 2012
Ms Manjula Prasher,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the      year  2012 --Regarding transparency in communication of marks.
Ref.   :   Postal Directorate  memo No. A-34012/3/2012-DE dated 17th July, 2012. 
Respected Madam,
          It is brought to your kind notice that result of above captioned examination was declared by the Department vide No. A-34013/03/2012-DE dated 17th July, 2012 but no separate marks for paragraph writing were shown in the tabulation sheet whereas it was mentioned earlier while declaring result of PS Gr. B Examination 2011 vide memo No. A-34012/01/2011-DE dated 23rd June 2011. Due to unclear position, it is difficult to identify the weak areas and strong areas, thus, there is great resentment amongst the aspirants on this account. It is also an admitted fact that PS Group “B” recruitment process has always been in controversy inviting litigations and repeated references by this associations. But unfortunately department has chosen its ways and convenient means to declared results without affording equal opportunities to members and without waiting the outcomes of Hon’ble administrative Tribunal. Pick and chose policy in the name of examination through this system can not be ruled out as such this association has reservations over the examination system.
          This Association would also like to further state that, answer keys published by Department for certain questions do not have proper and correct answers. Apart from it, a few questions were repeatedly put in the same question paper. The irregularity is a matter of serious concern and necessarily required to look into. 
          It is therefore urged that necessary instructions may please be issued to DE Division of the Directorate to publish separate marks obtained in paragraph writing in Paper-I to maintain transparency in communication of marks. It is further requested to take steps to delete the wrong questions from the question papers and declare the result of above captioned examination accordingly to avoid litigations if any arising in the context.
          Hoping for favourable action please.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary