CS writes to CPMG on the issue of denial of adhoc promotions

Copy of letter given to Chief PMG on the above issue of reproduced below for information of all members:

No.  IP/ASP/ASSN/12                                                                        Date:   4.12.2012


The Chief Postmaster General
Kerala Circle
Trivandrum- 695033


                                                Sub: Denial of adhoc promotion to Sri. Anwarjan-reg:

   This is to convey the strong protest and indignation of this Association over the proposal to keep in abeyance the adhoc promotion granted to Sri. Anwarjan, PM Alappuzha HO and also the proposal mooted by PMG (NR) to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the said officer and Sri. K.C.Velayudhan, ASP (HQ), Vadakara on purely flimsy grounds.

   As you would agree, the ASPs of this Circle are normally getting promotion to PS Group B, that too, on adhoc basis, at the fag end of their service after toiling in the Department for more than three decades. As a cadre of middle managers, we have always stood hand in glove with the administration and have made all efforts to discharge our duties to the best of our abilities. However, it is but unfortunate to see that our officers are being unnecessarily harassed on purely fictitious grounds. It is ascertained that Charge sheet is being contemplated against Sri. Anwarjan and Sri. K.C.Velayudhan alleging discrepancies in inspections carried out nearly a decade ago that too alleging contributory negligence. As you would agree, initiating such belated proceedings on the eve of promotion/retirement of these officers would be in gross violation of the recent directives issued by DOP&T (OM No. No. 425/04/2012-AVD-IV(A) dated 29.11.12) and also violative of the principles of natural justice and would be unsustainable before law. It is also trite law that denial of promotion on the plea that charge sheet is contemplated against an official is patently irregular and contrary to the extant instructions on the subject. Such a hasty move especially after orders of adhoc promotion have been issued by Circle Office is totally unheard of in this Circle and can only be construed as an attempt to wreck vengeance on the officers and to deny them their due promotions. Moreover, such a decision, if taken, will only result in demoralizing the entire cadre and will also derail the ongoing business activities in the Circle.

 Hence, this Association, while expressing strong protest and indignation, appeals to your kind self to intervene in the matter and to refrain from such vindictive action against the said officers and to drop all further proceedings against them and  reconsider the decision taken to keep in abeyance the adhoc promotion granted to Sri. Anwarjan.  A line in reply will be deeply appreciated.

      Thanking You,

                                                                                                                  Yours faithfully


                                                                                Ajith Kurian
                                                                              Circle Secretary

Copy to

1. The Postmaster General, Northern Region, Calicut for kind information.

2. Sri. Vilas Ingale, General Secretary, All India Association of IPs/ASP, New Delhi for favour of information and immediate intervention of CHQ in the matter.

                                                                                                            Circle Secretary