Revision of monetary ceiling for purchase of brief cases/ladies purse

Excerpts  of letter No. Gen/CO/CPMG/2013 dated 26.3.13 issued by Circle Office on the above subject is furnished below for information of all concerned:

The competent authority has revised the financial limits of expenditure/reimbursement of expenditure on purchase of brief case/lady's purses:

Sl No.               Rank of Officers/GP                                   Upper cost of ceiling (Rs)

  1.                        Chief PMG                                                         8000
  2.                       PMG & Equivalent (GP Rs 10000)                      6500
  3.                       Directors & Equivalent GP (7600-8700)              5000
  4.                      SPOs/SSPOs  & equivalent
                           Sr.PS, AAO/AO (4800-6600)                             4000
  5.                     IPOs, ASPOs (4200-4600)                                  3500

The entitled officers are free to procure brief cases/ladies purses of their own choice from any of the private/pubic outlet. However, the reimbursement shall be restricted to the above mentioned ceiling concomitant with the respective level, grade pay of the officer

The periodicity of replacement shall be 3 years across all categories

The above ceiling is effective from the date of issue of this order.