Ms P.
Department of
Dak Bhavan,
Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110
Subject :
Filling up of vacant posts of HSG-I (IP Line) cadre.
Respected Madam,
The Department has issued orders
vide Memo No. 04-44/2012-SPB.II dated 18th April, 2013 permitting
circles to fill up the vacant posts of HSG-I in Post Offices and RMS Offices on
the basis of existing recruitment rules, as amendments of revised Rules of
HSG-I have not been approved by DOP&T and UPSC. It is seen from the above
memo that department has overlooked the fact that there exist HSG-I in IP line
as well. No orders have been issued to fill the vacancies in HSG-I held by IP
line officials thereby further eroding the promotional prospects of Inspectors causing frustration amongst the
Inspectors cadre.
The Department has no any concrete steps to implant
the accepted recommendations of the Second Cadre Review Committee also even
after more than two decades. It is therefore in the interests of this cadre
that the present cadre strength should be maintained and any attempt to reduce
the cadre strength at HSG-I level without taking into account the declining
promotional avenues of the Inspectors cadre would be detrimental to the
interests of this cadre. It is apparent from the return of file by DOP&T
that the proposed creation of separate cadre of
Postmasters and that too by amalgamating the share of Inspectors cadre and General
line had disturbed the subtle equation between the General line and Inspectors
line and creates more problems to the administration than respite that could be
visualized at present.
Association is of the view that there is no need to seek any further
clarification from DOP&T to fill the IP line vacancies of HSG-I
particularly when these are to be filled on old recruitment rules which are
otherwise common for that purpose and sanctioned posts. There should also be no
mention about referring the matter to DOP&T in the said memo rather Circle
should be given clear instructions to fill the vacant post of IP line too
simultaneously but unfortunately this has not taken place.
It is therefore requested to kindly issue
instructions to all Circles to fill all the vacant post of HSG-I (IP Line) on
the same analogy as given in the case of HSG-I General line. If any change is still felt to be necessary in the
interest of better efficiency, it would be only fit and proper that association
may be consulted before revising the recruitment rules and resubmitting file to
Hoping for an early
action in the matter and line in reply.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary