GS writes to Secretary(P) on honorarium for Rule 10 enquiry

No. GS/AIAIASP/GDS-Hon/2013                                             dated :   22/6/2013

Ms P. Gopinath,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.  

Sub: Grant of honorarium to part time Inquiry Officers/ Presenting Officers for conducting inquiries under Rule-10 of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011 and revision of financial powers delegated to CPMG for sanction of the Honorarium. 

Ref:   DG memo No C-32016/03/2005-VP dated 23.08.2005

Respected Madam,   

Directorate vide memo No 32016/12/2011-VP dated 04.07.2011 on the basis of notification issued by DOP&T has revised honorarium rates for Inquiry Officers/ Presenting Officers engaged for conducting departmental enquiries which was further revised on 8.1.2013. Under the existing structure details, minimum Rs 5000/- and Maximum 10000/- are required to be sanctioned if the enquiry is completed within stipulated time frame. No such revision whatsoever has been made for IO/PO for conducting GDS inquiries, perhaps this was not part of DOP&T memo as no such cadre exists in any other department except DOP.  

Although the responsibilities of IO/PO are predefined and similar in nature both for departmental and GDS employees, yet the honorarium rate is not in parity as is apparent from the below noted table, that also needs upward revision at par with departmental inquiries.   
GDS inquiries
Departmental inquiries
Wef. 04.07.2011
Wef. 31.07.2012
Inquiry Officer (IO) Part time
Minimum Rs 400/-
Maximum Rs 1600/-
Minimum Rs 1500/-
Maximum Rs 3000/-
Minimum Rs 5000/-
Maximum Rs 10000/-
Presenting Officer (PO) Part time
Minimum Rs 250/-
Maximum Rs 500/-
Minimum Rs 750/-
Maximum Rs 1500/-
Minimum Rs 5000/-
Maximum Rs 10000/-

       Furthermore, the annual ceiling of Rs 4000/- per IO/PO per year bestowed to the Head of the Circle since long is still in vogue and no action to revise this limit has been taken concomitantly leaving aside benefit granted above. However, DG Posts has the power to sanction honorarium up to Rs 5000/-, means all the cases will have to be referred to Directorate for sanction. In such cases, either the beneficiary will be deprived of his/her right or will have to wait for long to get the desired relief.
Since the minimum rate of honorarium has been revised for departmental inquiries and the F.R 46 B stood amended (vide MOF, DOE I.CU.O.No.4.2/5/2008-IC dated 29.01.2009), the ceiling and the Financial Powers delegated for sanction of honorarium may also be revised suitably for all purposes.

          Hoping for early decision in the matter and line in reply.

Yours sincerely, 
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary