


A planning workshop on Trade Union Rights organized by the PSI  was held at Hotel West Way Calicut from 6th to 9th June wherein 6 of our members participated. Other service unions like All India Postal Stenographers Association, NAD Civilian Workers Union, Southern Mail Command Civilian Employees Union, Southern Naval Command Employees organization, National Life Insurance Employees Association also participated in the three way workshop which chalked out plans and strategies to promote trade union activities in Kerala during this year. Specific action plans were drawn both union wise and also collectively and a calendar of activities were made out by each of the participating unions. Sri. R.Kannan, Secretary, PSI South East Asia was the facilitator for the session.  

Participants from IP/ASP Assn: Kerala

As for the gist of the activities held, the workshop commenced with a key note address by Sri. Manoj Kumar Doshi, Secretary General, National Organization of Government Employees. In his address, Sri.Doshi emphasized the need for unity among the various service unions so as to ensure the welfare of the employees. Key note address was followed by a general introduction of all the participants. A detailed discussion on the various problems faced by the employees at work place followed. All the Unions were asked to identify five major problems their members faced and to suggest solutions. Our Association projected issues like transfer, CRs, disparity in pay, excess work load in Sub Divisions etc. Other prominent Unions came out with issues like Lack of recruitment, DPC, Gradation list, harassment of women employees, lack of training, lack of proper redressal forums like JCM etc. 

            On 8th morning Sri. Kannan introduced the newly attending members to topics like International Labour Standards, collective bargaining Rights for Public employees etc. |The session was made interesting with group tasks and discussions and presentations in which all the Unions participated actively.  This was followed by a session on ‘Changes in Conduct Rules and Disciplinary Proceedings’. Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy, Our President was the facilitator for this session which was deeply appreciated and enjoyed by one and all. The session stood out by the active participation of all the members and received appreciation from all quarters. There after a discussion was held on the need for a TUR project in India. Various macro and micro issues like recognition, victimization, non-ratification of ILO Conventions, collective bargaining, unacceptable working conditions, lack of respect for workers rights, sexual harassment etc were discussed threadbare. 

Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy handling a session on '|Changes in Conduct Rules'

On the final day, a hectic planning session was held wherein a programme chart was drawn by all the unions individually and also collectively detailing the steps they would take this year to promote TUR in India. Details of activities to be conducted, its purpose, tentative date, number of expected participants, budget etc were presented by all the Unions/Associations. Our Association proposed to conduct the following activities during this year.

v  Blog level campaign (June)
Details of the planning session held at Calicut to be put in the blog
v  One day workshop on TUR-(July)
at Trivandrum
Create awareness among our members about Trade Unions Rights and also about the ILO and its complaint mechanism by which issues can be taken up with ILO directly
v  Blog voting on Review of Conduct Rules(September)
To ascertain the opinion of our members on change in conduct rules and CCA Rules
v  Seminar on harassment of women at work place followed by a workshop on amendment of conduct Rules at Kochi (October- combined programme of all the Unions)
Eminent personalities and women activists will be invited for the seminar. Suggestions of all on amendment of conduct rules will be codified and a proposal submitted to the PSI
v  Printing  & Distribution of leaflets on TUR (November)
 To promote awareness among the members about TURs
v  SMS Campaign

Our members with Sri. R.Kannan

The meeting concluded with a small cultural session wherein all the members chipped in with songs and other variety entertainments.