

PSI workshop on Trade Union Rights/Conduct Rules at Kochi

The second programme as part of the on going PSI/LOTCO workshop on Trade Union Rights organized by the Association will be held at Hotel Presidency, Kochi (near EKM(N) RS) tomorrow (23.11.13) from 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs. The one day workshop will give an insight into the various Trade Union Rights and the major TUR violations happening in and around India and will also throw light on the various mechanisms available for redressal of such violations. The workshop will also focus on the need to amend the CCS Conduct Rules as per the changing times. Time table is furnished below for the information of all concerned. All members are requested to attend the workshop.

23rd November, 2013

10.00 hrs
Workshop aim & Description
Sri. Ajith Kurian, Circle Secretary

10.30 hrs.
Trade Union Rights- Introduction
Major TUR violations in India
Mechanisms to take up TUR violations

Sri. G.Gopakumar, ASP(HQ), TVM (S)

11.30 hrs
CCS Conduct Rules- A weapon against the employees
Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy, ASP(Vig), RO Calicut
12.45 hrs
Evaluation & Conclusion
13.00 hrs
14.00 hrs
Combined Session with CAICGSA-
Amendment to CCS Conduct Rules-Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy, ASP(Vig), RO Calicut
15.45 hrs
Evaluation and Conclusion