Visit to CO and meeting with Chief PMG

Today our CS Sri. Ajith Kurian & President Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy visited CO and met Chief PMG at her chamber and discussed various issues related to the members. The meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere. The gist of the discussions is as below:

(i)Adhoc promotions in PS Group B- The need to follow the principle of seniority among the willing and eligible ASPs of the Circle while conducting adhoc promotions in PS Group B cadre was pointed out by the Association- Chief PMG informed that generally such promotions are being done after calling for willingness from the senior most eligible ASPs of the Circle. However, in some exigency of service (CBS in this case), certain temporary arrangements need to be made for a short span of time. Such arrangements will cease immediately after CBS is rolled out in our Circle. Willingness will be immediately called for the vacant post of OSD at Circle Office.

(ii) Reversion of officiating ASPs as IPs before regular promotion as ASPs- The recent orders issued reverting many of our members who were officiating as ASPs at the time of their regular promotion to the cadre of ASPs causing much financial loss was brought to the notice of the Chief PMG. A letter was also given to Madam expressing our concern and requesting to look into the matter- Chief PMG agreed to examine the issue positively and give a reply at the earliest.

 The issue of rotational transfers was also discussed informally. Madam reiterated that request transfers will be granted only based on the performances of IPs/ASPs and to those who achieve their targets.