DPC for PS Group B 2014-15- Updates

1) On 16/10/2014, Chhattisgarh, HP and Uttarakhand circles submitted required documents to Directorate. The representatives of  APS and Assam did not turned to Directorate to submit the documents on this due date. 

2) On 17/10/2014, only Delhi circle has submitted required documents to Directorate. The APMG (Staff)/AD (Staff) of Haryana, J&K, Odisha and Jharkhand did not turned to submit required documents on this due date. 

      If circles are not submitting the requisite documents on their allotted dates to Directorate, then automatically regular as well as supplementary DPC would be delayed. Therefore GS has already requested to all Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers be in touch with each and every officers who are in the zone of promotion and confirm the updation of their ACRs/APARs and submission to RO/CO.