has been reported by many Circle Secretaries about acute shortage of Inspector
Posts in their Circle, therefore the following information is ascertained from Directorate
and we have to act on each issue as stated against it:
AP / Bihar / Gujarat / Kerala / Rajasthan and UP Circles have submitted their review
proposal for declaration of result of Inspector Posts Examination for the year
2007 and 2008. Other circles review results are not pending at Directorate, as
it was said to be not received.
Concerned Circle Secretaries are
requested to meet with concerned officer of their circle administration and request
him to take up the proposal if unfiled vacancy in SC/ST category is available
in that year.
UP circle has intimated to Directorate that due to non-availability of unfilled
SC/ST vacancies in the year 2012 and 2013, the review proposal was not taken up
with Directorate. Remaining circle have
to take proposal for review result of Inspector Posts Examination for the year
2012 and 2013.
All Circle Secretaries (except UP)
are requested to ask their circle administration to take up the proposal to
circles have not reported the vacancy position of Inspector Posts in Direct
Recruitment quota for the year 2014 to Directorate.
All Circle Secretaries are requested
to confirm this and also ascertain the number of IPs (direct requite quota 2013)
joined in their circle, as Directorate has reported 122 vacancies to SSC.