Harassment of IPs/ASPs by SSPOs Cacher Dn. Assam- GS writes to Secretary(P)

No. GS/AIAIASP/Misc/Assam/2014                                        dated:  1/11/2014
Ms Kavery Banerjee,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110001.
Subject : Harassment to IPs/ASPs by SSPOs, Cacher Division, Silchar  (Assam).
Respected Madam,
IP/ASP Association is constrained to bring to your kind notice that SSPOs Cachar Division, Silchar (Assam) is continuously harassing our members since his joining and superseding the orders issued by Directorate / CPMG Assam Circle. Few examples of his harassment are given below:
1.   SSPOs has taken sue-motto decision to restrict mobile charges to Rs.330/- from Rs.800/- superseding Circle Office approval of paying Rs. 800/- p.m. as mobile recharge the amount being paid to all IPs/ASPs working in Circle. On the other hand he is forcing all IPs/ASPs to submit all information through email only which is not possible without net-pack that cost around Rs.400/- every month. He should be aware that increase of mobile charges for all inspecting cadre was done by circle administration due to marketing, monitoring work, keeping liaison with field subordinate staffs, implementation of CBS works etc. Such type of dictatorial attitude will definitely affect monitoring and providing information on email.    
2.   RPLI incentive bills have not been released since last two years though this time sufficient funds have been allotted to divisions for the purpose thereby allowing fund to lapse. This will adversely affect the RPLI business of the division and our members should not be made accountable for the same.
3.   TA bills of IPs/ASPs have been unnecessarily kept pending since January 2014 despite the fact that movement of inspecting staff in Assam state is very difficult due to poor road transports facilities and provision of insufficient numbers of public vehicle /railways. Restricting mode of journey would mean delay in carrying out inspection and other related work for which only SSPOs should be held responsible and not IPs/ASPs who are burdened with series of work without providing facilities and restricting their rights illogically.
4.   SSPOs himself did not carry out a single inspection which was allotted /approved by CO and he has re-allotted all his inspection programe to his subordinate staff without getting the approval of the competent authority.
5.   SSPOs without any valid reason has rejected / returned all medical bills of staff informing that he will not sanction any medical bill. It means that nobody should take treatment in any illness. Even providing health facilities is given in article 21 of the constitution. This is a strange type of SSPOs who has no belief in our constitution. 
This Association therefore strongly protests against the working style and decisions taken by SSPOs Cacher Division (Assam) and request your honour to issue necessary instructions to CPMG Assam Circle to transfer the SSPOs from present post immediately for smooth functioning of Cachar Division and enquire the above issues at circle level to give appropriate justice to workers.  
A positive action with a line in reply is requested.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :
The Chief PMG, Assam Circle, Guwahati.