Inspection Notes for CBS POs in DOP Finacle

Migration Note

  1. See reconciliation report provided by Infosys at the time of migration is available? Whether the copy of the same has been provided to SBCO and SPO? Examine exception report if any given by Infosys and suggest remedial action.
  2. See as to whether the manual records have been migrated to CBS application? If not make a note of it and take remedial action.
  3. Have all signatures migrated to CBS/Finacle application? See signatures of at least 10 accounts in Finacle/CBS application
  4. Talk to the concerned staff and see if any issue observed with the migrated data.

Function and Migration

  • Whether staff has been adequately trained in operating Finacle CBS . Any suggestions for improvement.
  • Whether supervisory staff is regularly verifying pending transactions during the working hours?
  • Whether job aids are available on the desktop of all counters? If not take remedial action and install the same.
  • Whether process documents circulated by Directorate are available in soft or hard copy with counter PAs and supervisors?
  • Awareness about Infosys help desk number and mail id? Number of issues pending for solution. Only genuine issues to be raised with full details of the official.

Hand holding support team:

  • What is the feedback on the support provided by Infosys hand holding support? Any suggestions for improvement.

Common Verificationin DOP Finacle (CBS Offices)

Whether postmaster is taking printout of office accounts ledgers and cross verifying transactions with LOT on daily basis? If not direct Postmaster to do it on daily basis and ensure compliance.
  1. Physically verify certificates stock with stock available in finacle and record results.
  2. Physically verify stock of blank POSB cheque books available in finacle and record results.
  3. Verify cash with one or two counters with their teller cash account and record the results.
  4. Educate on operating agents portal? Check lists created by agents through portal and finacle?
Availability of Account opening forms and CBS passbooks.
Maintaining of SS book
Sending Account opening forms and KYC to CPC on daily basis and preservation of those received back.

Pending Cases in Fiancle

  • Pending AOF rejected .
  • Pending NC4(a)
  • No undelivered NSC available in office.
  • List out major issues pending with help desk.
  • Pending tickets of the post office where solutions are provided.
SBCO tallying 100% vouchers with LOT and writing objection memo pads for manual corrections and consolidation.

Having ATM ?

  • Whether ATM is Installed in the Post Office Premises? If so, is it working?
  • Number of instant ATM Cards / Welcome Kits lying in Stock?
  • Collect some Passbooks form the counter and verify balance available in Finacle CBS by using menu HACLI. Record results.
  • Whether New Account opening Forms and CBS Passbooks are available in sufficient numbers? If no, take remedial action to ensure adequate supply.
See consolidation for all schemes for 4 days and verify with totals of LOT available in Post office.
Whether SS Book is being maintained to paste Specimen Signatures of newly opened Savings accounts? If not, get the same started in your presence.