Post of Circle Philatelic Officer restored at CO -- Sri. B.Gopakumar posted as ASP(Philately)

The post of Circle Philatelic Officer (ASP Philately) at Circle Office has been restored and Sri.B.Gopakumar, IP Kollam North on his adhoc promotion to the cadre of ASPOs has been posted as ASP(Philately) CO TVM vide CO letter No. ST/3-2/2015 dated 12.11.15.

  The restoration of this prestigious post has been a  long pending demand of the Association and the Association would like to place on record its utmost gratitude and appreciation to our Chief PMG for his support and positive stand in this regard. 

  Hearty Congrats to Sri. Gopakumar on his promotion and posting in this prestigious post... All the very best.....