

Visit of Hon'ble Secretary (P) Sri B V Sudhakar to Gurvayur MDG on 20.1.2017

Inauguration of ATM at Guruvayur MDG by the Hon'ble Secretary (P) Sri B V Sudhakar in presence of Smt.Anjali Anand CPMG Kerala, Smt.Sumathy Ravichandran and Sri Thomas Lourdraj DPS(HQ) Trivandrum on 20.1.2017
Secretary(P) planting a neem sapling at Guruvayur MDG on 20.1.2017
Hon'ble Secretary (P) donated one water purifier for the staff of Guruvayur MDG 

Staff of Guruvayur MDG taking a pledge as motivated by Secretary (P)  to be fully customer oriented and put in their best efforts in the service of the people.