

PSI to launch its activities in Kerala

It has been brought to the notice of the Association that Public Service International (PSI) is proposing to launch its activities in Kerala and we have been invited to join their activities.

As you all may be aware, Public Services International (PSI) is a global trade union federation representing some 20 million women and men working in public services around the world. It has 635 affiliated unions in 156 countries and territories around the world. PSI is an autonomous body, which works in association with federations covering other sectors of the workforce and with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). PSI is an officially recognized non-governmental organization for the public sector within the International Labour Organization (ILO) and has consultative status with ECOSOC and observer status with other UN bodies such as UNCTAD and UNESCO.

PSI is founded (in 1907) on the principle of solidarity between public sector workers throughout the world promotes dialogue and international co-operation as a means of solving global problems. It envisages to promote econonomic development based on the principles of human rights, social justice and development, especially for poorer countries and regions in the world and also aims at promoting peace and environmental protection at the international, regional and national levels through sharing resources, representing affiliates, education, coordinating the activities of affiliates and reciprocal support.

An informal meeting of PSI is scheduled to be held at Trivandrum on 6.3.2012. Other Associations/Unions/federations from Central/State government and non-governmental organizations are also expected to participate in the said meeting. From our side, Circle Secretary and All India Asst. Secretary will be participating in the meeting. Further details will be announced thereafter.