

GS writes to Secretary Posts on merger of IP & ASP cadre

Copy of the above letter is reproduced below for information of all concerned:

No. GS/AIAIASP/1/2012                                            dated      19/08/2013

Ms P Gopinath,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Subject  : Minutes of the meeting taken by Member (Personnel) regarding  restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.

Ref.       : Director (SR) letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 6th September, 2012 & No.  02/02/2012-SR dated 17thApril, 2012.

Respected Madam,           
In response to Directorate’s requisition of letter calling final view point of the Association on merger issue, it is submitted that this Association sought some clarification mentioned therein so as to discuss the same amongst our members before arriving at final conclusion. Unfortunately despite issue of repeated reminders no attention seems to have been paid at Directorate level towards above said letters.            
At the same time no importance is being bestowed to IP/ASP cadre and their demands, may it be case of Grade Pay, fixation of pay under higher responsibility, merger or other career progression. These pending issues concerning our cadre are enhancing the sense of discontentment.

It is therefore urged to kindly look in to this vital issue personally and arrange to provide demanded clarification which is otherwise also binding on association before we go ahead on this sensitive issue. This will enshrine interest both the Association and Department as well. The Association has no objection if the matter is to be discussed in the meeting only for which next meeting as per convenience of members may kindly be ordered to fix. The Association will look forward positive response of the Department.

Hoping for favorable action and line in reply.  
Yours sincerely, 
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary