

Anomaly in Pay Fixation

MP Nirmal Kumar,
Circle Secretary,AIA of IPs and ASPs
Kerala Circle
Thrissur 680 021
Sri. S.Samuel, GS
All India Association of IPs and ASPs, CHQ
New Delhi

Sub: Anomaly in pay fixation
Anomalies in the fixation of pay on the recommendations of sixth pay commission are common in all cases where the commission had recommended up gradation of pay scales as on 01.01.2006 to certain cadres and posts. The expected benefits by virtue of upgraded pay scale corresponding to the scales in the pre-revised scale of pay have been undone by the lacuna and deficiency in the fixation of pay as recommended by the commission. The prospects of a good pay package for Inspector (posts) and ASPOs, given the scales of both the posts are upgraded, are deprived of by the vagaries in pay fixation.
The following suggestions are made to set right the anomalies inherent in pay fixation of IPs and ASPs, the pay scales of both of which are recommended to be upgraded by the commission but without any substantial reward.
1. As per the sixth pay commission recommendations accepted by the Govt, the scale of pay of IPs stand revised from 5500-175-9000 to 6500-200-10500 in the pre-revised scale of pay. However, in the fixation of pay in the revised scale recommended by the commission, the initial pay of IPs is fixed at the minimum of Rs 9300 with GP Rs 4200 in the pay band of 9300-34800. This shows that the initial fixation of pay as on 01.01.2006 for IPs was not based on the initial pay in the upgraded pre-revised scale of 6500-200-10500. This is a glaring anomaly in the fixation of pay of IPs. As the scale of pay of IPs has been upgraded to the scale of 6500-200-10500 (pre-revised scale) the initial fixation of pay as on 01.01.2006 should have been based on the initial stage in the upgraded scale. If the BP of an IP was higher than the minimum of pay in the revised scale of 6500-200-10500, the initial stage to determine the BP of the IP should have been placed by fixing his pay in the next stage at which the next increment in the revised scale of 6500-200-10500 falls. In all such cases due weightage for the service rendered by the official should have been considered, may be at the rate of one increment for each 3 completed years of service in order to ensure proportional increase in wages in accordance with seniority .The present method of fixation does not give any justice to seniority and he is placed at par with juniors. The fixation can be clarified by setting few illustrations on three different situations.


IP drawing BP @ Rs 5500 in the scale of 5500-175-9000 having 10 months of service as on 01.01.06

Stage to be fixed to determine the initial pay of the IP in the upgraded scale of 6500-200-10500 = 6500
BP in the upgraded scale as on 01.01.2006 would be (6500x1.86) + GP Rs 4200 = Rs 16290


IP drawing BP @ Rs 7255 in the scale 5500-175-9000 as 01.01.2006 having 5 years of service

Benefit in increment @ one increment for 3 completed years of service- one increment
Stage at which his pay to be determine 7255+175= 7430
Corresponding stage in the upgraded scale of 6500-200-10500= 7500
There the initial BP of the IP as one 01.01.2006 in the upgraded scale of 6500-200-10500 would be (7500x1.86) + GP Rs 4200 = Rs 18150


IP drawing BP @ 6550 as on 01.01.06 in the scale of 5500-175-9000 and having put in 6 years of service as 01.01.2006

Eligibility for increments – 2 increments
Stage at which the fixation of pay to be determined = 6550+175+175= 6900. Since the stage in the pay scale of 6500-200-10500 is same, the pay of the IP would be determined at the next stage of 7100. The BP of the IP should be (7100x1.86) + 4200= 17140.

2. The pay scale of ASP also stands upgraded from the scale of 6500-200-10500 to 7450-225-11500 in the pre-revised scale with effect from 01.01.2006 as per the commission recommendations. Therefore the same analogy in the fixation of pay of inspector (posts) as mentioned in para- 1 above should be made applicable mutatis-mutandis for ASP cadre also.
3. As per the commission recommendations the pay of Superintendent of Post offices (SP) is determined with reference to the pre-revised scale of 7500-250-12000, with eligibility to get upgraded scale of 8000-275-13500 after rendering 4 years of service. There is only a meager difference of Rs 50/- in the scale of ASP and SP which is quite illogical and unfair. SP is the head of the Division vested with lot of administrative financial and disciplinary powers conferred on him. SP shoulders heavy responsibility in managing a postal division. But by putting his scale in such a bizarre manner, the status of the SP stands degraded and the image of the post is extensively dented. The post of SP demands some more consideration and respect. Similarly ASPs conferred with gazette status is put in par with non gazetted general line officials in HSG-I cadre. This is an insult to the cadre of ASPs. There should be uplift in the scale of pay of both ASP and SP. Therefore, the pay scales of ASPs and SP are required to be upgraded to the scales corresponding to the pre-revised scales of 7500-250-12000 and 8000-275-13500 with GP Rs 4800 and Rs 5400 respectively. The status of the SP being the divisional head can be upgraded to Group A uniformly, if required necessary, considering the stature and status of the post he is holding and also that the reporting officers under him in ASP cadre are gazetted officers

M.P.Nirmal Kumar
Circle Secretary