Department of Personnel and Training Memo No No.3lOII/2/2006-Est1.(A) dated 27.7.2009
Subject:- Regulation of Journey by air while availing Leave Travel Concession - clarification regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M.No. I9024/1/2009-E.lV dated 13/7/2009 modifying the O.M. No. 7(2)/E.Coord/2005 dated 23rd November, 2005 and superseding ofO.M.No. I9024/l/E.lV/2005 dated 24/3/2006.
It has been decided by the Department of Expenditure that in all cases of air travel both domestic and international where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by air India. The matter whether these orders will apply in cases of LTC has been considered in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of expenditure and it is confirmed that these orders/conditions will apply in cases of LTC also.
2. This issues in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of their ID No. 39/DS(EG)/2009 dated 20/7/2009.