


The four monthly meeting with Chief PMG was held on 7.12.10 at 11.30 hrs at the conference hall of C.O. Sri T.M.Krishna Swamy and Sri. Ajith Kurian represented the Association in the meeting. The main items which came up for discussion and the reply given by the department is furnished below:

(i)Delay in issue of MACP orders – The strong protest and indignation of our members in the inordinate delay which has taken place in issuing MACP orders with respect to ASP cadre was conveyed to the administration in the meeting. It was pointed out that MACP orders have been issued w.r.t all others cadres except ours. Chief PMG at the outset apologized for the delay which has happened. She admitted that there has been some delay in this regard which happened primarily due to the fact that APMG (Staff) has been out of station for more than two weeks and assured that orders will be issued immediately. A specific time frame was sought for and it was reiterated by Chief PMG that all the process will be completed within 15 days time. Association hopes that the Circle Administration will take timely action and orders will be issued within the said time frame.

(ii) Decentralization of PLI/RPLI - The excess workload created at Divisional Office as a result of the decentralization of PLI/RPLI was pointed out in the meeting. Although there are instructions to outsource the work of data entry and other clerical works, no separate arrangements are made for supervisory duties like verifying, checking etc which puts additional work pressure on the ASP (HQ) and ASP (OD). Chief PMG pointed out that outsourcing can only be done for data entry and other clerical duties and supervisory duties cannot be outsourced. She emphasized the importance of detailed verification at the primary stage itself when proposals are forwarded by IPs/ASPs so as to avoid omissions and corrections which ultimately lead to delay in issue of policies. Chief PMG agreed to look into the matter and to chalk out a strategy in consultation with other Circles.

(iii) Consultation with the Association before entering into new business ventures- It was pointed out that the Association is not taken into confidence and our views ascertained before commencing new business ventures. Chief PMG assured that this will be done in future and even agreed to conduct separate meeting with the Association if need be before commencing new ventures/schemes. In this connection, Chief PMG pointed out that the venture of distributing text books undertaken by the department is not a new venture as such and is part of the business assigned to the department by directorate as part of Logistics Post business. Moreover, the fact that work in Sub Divisions is now being disrupted as a result of utilizing the services of Mail Overseers for long durations for text books scheme was also brought to the notice of Chief PMG. Also, the practice now being adopted by the Divisional Heads, in re-distributing the inspections allotted to them to ASP (OD), ASP (HQ) and even Sub Divisional heads at this fag end of the year was also pointed out in the meeting. Chief PMG assured to look into the matter and to take appropriate action on the said issues raised by us.