Proposal for merger of IP and ASPs

The revised proposal on the above matter mooted by CHQ is furnished below:

Post of Inspector,Posts may be merged withh the post of Asstt. Supdt. Posts with GP of Rs.4600/-with nomenclature as Asstt. Supdt. Posts as the Department has already merged the post of Inspector, MMS with the post of Asstt. Manager, MMS with the GP of Rs. 4600/- with nomenclature as Asstt. Manager, MMS. In the event of merger with upgraded GP of Rs. 4600/-, the Association is agreeable for withdrawal of Gazettted status granted to the post of Asstt. Supdt. Posts vide Postal Directorate memo. no. 25-18/2000-PE dated 28.07.2005. However, it is made clear that Gazetted status to the post of ASP should be withdrawn only after merger and grant of GP of Rs. 4600/- to the merged post simultaneously.

Roop Chand
General Secretary

All the members are requested to submit their views on the matter well in advance so as to enable us to formulate a consolidated proposal in the matter to CHQ. Your views may be informed to the undersigned over phone or by email in ipaspkerala @ or If no opinion is received by 15.9.11, the decision taken by the Circle Working Committee held at Kochi will be taken as the final decision of the Circle and will be communicated to the CHQ.