Copy of the letter given to CPMG today on the above matter is furnished below for information of all the members.
No. IP/ASP/ASSN/12 Date: 22.11.2012
The Chief Postmaster
Kerala Circle
Trivandrum- 695033
Sub: Economy Measures by MOF- Impact on IP/ASP
posts in the Circle
As your good self is aware, Ministry of
Finance has, as part of its economy measures, vide OM No. 7(1)E. Coord/2012
dated 1.11.12, reiterated that posts that have remained vacant for more than a
year shall not be revived except under very rare and unavoidable circumstances.
Admittedly, almost all the IPO (PG) posts and some of the ASP (OD) posts in the
Circle are lying vacant. This being so, the possibility of the Circle losing
all these vacant posts cannot be ruled out if the directions of the MOF are
implemented strictly, which, as you would agree, would not be in the best
interest of the Circle.
such, I request you to give necessary directions to the Divisional Heads to
make officiating arrangements in all such vacant posts so as to avoid a
situation of these posts getting lapsed as deemed abolished. If no willing officials are forthcoming, the
possibility of posting any of the other IPs/ASPs of the Division in such posts
for a short period, which would keep alive these posts technically, may kindly
be explored.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully
Ajith Kurian
Circle Secretary