RPLI Incentive- clarification

PLI Directorate vide letter No. 26-2/2009-LI dated 16-01-2013 has clarified that provisions of PLI Directorate letter no. 35017/78-LI (Vol III) dated 19.3.96 regarding admissibility of incentive to SDI/ASP for verification/scrutiny of RPLI proposals have not been superseded either the directorate letter no 26-02/2009-LI dated 18.9.2009 or any other subsequent letter.
The above clarification has been issued by PLI Directorate to clear the doubts raised by some circles consequent upon issuance of revised incentive structure for PLI/RPLI sale force. In the above letter it has been clarified that SDI/ASPs shall be paid incentive equal to 10% of the procurement commission paid to the Gramin Dak Sewaks and Gramin Dak BPM’s whose proposals are verified by such SDI/ASP. This will be limited to only the first year premium income commission earned by Gramin Dak Sewaks and Gramin Dak BPM’s on such proposals
Now path and all hurdle to clear the pending incentive bills of SDI/ASP has been vacated and incentive will be paid for verification of RPLI proposals as was being paid in view of Directorate order no. 35-15/78-LI (Vol III) dated 19.3.96 .