All India Biennial Conference at Ahmedabad- Gist of proceedings

The 38th All India Biennial conference of the Association was held at Ahmedabad on 7th and 8th February, 2014 in a befitting manner. The pre-conference working committee was held at Hotel Royal Orchid on 7th morning wherein the minutes, annual report and audited accounts were unanimously approved by the House without any modification.

The CWC was followed by the subject committee wherein detailed deliberations and discussions on the various items of agenda took place. The gist of the main items discussed and decision is furnished below for information of all concerned:

(i) 7th CPC- It was decided by the House to give a detailed memorandum to the members of the newly constituted 7th CPC with the aid of power point presentations. Considering the importance of the matter, a Committee was constituted for this purpose with GS as Chairman. Other members are as follows:

Shri T. M. Krishnaswamy  : Kerala
Shri Balbir Singh Kaushal : Punjab
Shri Manjunath Hubballi   : Karnataka
Shri P. Ajit Kumar           : Postal Directorate
Shri Roop Chand             : Delhi
Shri Pitabasa Jena          : Odisha

The Committee was invited to Kolkata by the Circle Secretary, West Bengal Circle for sitting together and drafting the memorandum. It was also decided to utilitize the services of retired officers and experts in the field for this purpose.
(ii) GP case at CAT Ernakulam- It was decided to file rejoinder to the reply filed by the department immediately and make all efforts for getting a favourable judgment yet again which would be of immense help in convincing the 7th CPC members about the genuineness of the matter.

(iii) Merger proposal of ASP with Group B - The House gave unanimous support to the proposal and decided to pursue the matter in full vigor. It was decided to keep ready answers to the probable queries likely to be raised by Department of Personnel and also MOF. Sri P. Ajit Kumar, AGS-I was entrusted to pursue the matter at Directorate.

(iv) Cadre restructuring and reorganization of Sub Divisions - Two meetings were already held in this matter with officers of Directorate. It was decided to press for expediting the matter at the Directorate.

(v) Regular promotions to PS Group B - DPCs are now being held promptly due to the timely intervention of the Association. AIC decided to press for supplementary DPC without much delay. It was requested by the GS to all Circle Secretaries and every member to ensure timely submission of CRs/APARs (fully updated) of officers who are in the zone of promotion to Directorate which can reduce delay.
(vi) LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Group B & Sr. PM – Four cases are now pending on this subject in various CATs. Revise / amendment of the Group ‘B’ / Sr.PM recruitment rules is on the anvil after which examinations will be conducted.

(vii) Rule 38 transfer of surplus IPs - After the dropping of the scheme, Chief PMGs can mutually decide about the transfer as per Directorate orders. In cases where transfers are not materializing, CHQ will intervene and take up the case individually with Secretary (P).

(viii) Mandatory service in RMS for promotion to ASP - The orders were found impractical to implement due to the shortage of IP posts in the RMS side- The house unanimously passed a resolution urging Secretary(P) to withdraw the said irrational order immediately. GS directed to all Circle Secretaries to ensure the submission of data called for by Directorate at the earliest.
(ix) DPC for promotion to Dy. Manager, MMS - DPC was held recently due to the intervention of the CHQ. However, recent orders have been issued downgrading 4 posts of Managers as Dy. Managers in the four cities against which the House passed a resolution.
(x) Honorarium to IO/PO for Rule 14 cases - It was pointed out by the members that orders issued enhancing the rate of honorarium has not become operational due to the ceiling on annual payment of honorarium. The AIC passed a resolution requesting Secretary (P) to cause necessary action for enhancing the limit and also to extend the revision to Rule 10 cases of GDS also.
(xi) Combined Seniority list of Inspector Posts - The house passed a resolution urging Secretary (P) to cause n/a to publish the seniority list till 31.12.2013 immediately. GS told that seniority list for the year 1998, 1999 and 2000 is at final stage of circulation.
(xii) PSI activities – Shri Manjunath Hubbballi CS Karnataka explained the activities held during the period. The House noted the importance of associating with the global organization like PSI and decided to extend the association with PSI in other Circles also.

A Resolution Committee was constituted under the Chairman ship of Circle Secretary Kerala. The following members associated him to prepare resolution as the members of the Committee:
Ajith Kurian(Chairman)   - Kerala
Newton Balakrishnan      - Tamil Nadu
Manjunath Hubballi         - Karnataka
Pitabasa Jena                  - Odisha
Hira Lal                           - Haryana
A total of 9 resolutions were unanimously passed by the House and forwarded to Secretary (P) for immediate intervention and necessary action.

All the Circle Secretaries unanimously selected the new office bearers for the next term. Sri Vilas Ingale was re-elected as the new GS for the second term in succession. Shri Amrendra Kumar is the new President. Detailed list is available on the blog for ready reference.  

Open Session was held on 8th morning with PMG(BD), Gujarat Circle, Sri Ambesh Upmanu as the Chief Guest wherein special invitees viz. Shri Janardhan Sharma Ex-GS, Shri S. Samuel-EX GS, Shri Hari Mohan Ex-CS Punjab and Shri Mukund Badwe EX-OGS CHQ and CS PAO Maharashtra were facilitated.

It was decided to conduct the next AIC at Rajasthan with UP Circle as standby and the next CWC at Kerala with AP as standby.

The 38th Biennial Conference came to an end at about 6.00 PM on 8.2.14.

All the members expressed gratitude to Shri Vinod Shah, Circle Secretary Gujarat Circle and his team for having come forward to host the AIC at short notice and for having conducted the same in a befitting manner.