GS writes to Secretary(P) demanding vigilance enquiry into the death case of ASP Ajmer

No. GS/AIAIASP/Misc/Inquiry/2014                        dated  :       18/3/2014.

Ms. P. Gopinath,
Secretary (Posts),
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.  

Subject :    Request for initiating vigilance enquiry into the death case of Smt. Mohini Gupta, ASP Ajmer (Rajasthan). 

Respected Madam,

          With due deference, it is submitted that IP/ASP Cadre is being cornered and harassed by way of filing frivolous Criminal complaints against them for any untoward incident of misappropriation occurred in their office, sub divisions, at the behest of Administration, that too when the said Incharge /Sub Divisional Head himself has unearthed the unfortunate defalcation incident. In case, it is the accountability aspect, which prompts the Administration to initiate action against the Incharge /Head of Sub Division, then I am sorry to say that the officers in the hierarchy are also equally responsible for the misappropriation being the Incharge of the Division, Region and Circle. There is no immunity to these people and it cannot be said that officers working on these positions do not carry any responsibility. Therefore, the divisional head, DPS, PMG, CPMG etc ought to have been arrayed in the list of offenders while lodging FIR before the independent agencies for investigations.  

          If IP/ASP cadre who detect the scam are not provided any safeguard, then the day would not be far when such officer, fearing their personal involvement, would not dare to report it. One such incident has come to my notice, where the brave differently able female ASP of Rajasthan Circle, who unearthed the misappropriation, who otherwise deserves pat on her back and need encouragement, was made prime offender in the FIR lodged before CBI authorities, by the Rajasthan Circle administration. The said brave differently-abled lady ASP could not bear the impact. She recorded the material facts, findings of the misappropriation case, biased mindset, in a representation dated 19.01.2014 and sent to Secretary (Posts) and Shri Kapil Sibal Hon’ble Cabinet Minister before leaving for heavenly abode on 29.01.2014. In this unfortunate incident, we have not only lost our dedicated, brave, sincere and hardworking officer but also miserably failed to remove stigma against her.  

          I am enclosing herewith a copy of representation dated 19/01/2014 written by late Smt. Mohini Gupta, ASP, Ajmer addressed to Secretary (Posts) and copy endorsed to Shri Kapil Sibal JI Hon’ble Minister for Communication and IT and CPMG Jaipur regarding detection of fraud and harassment at SPC Ajmer. It is learnt that persons involved in the case are still at large. I am also enclosing herewith a copy of letter No. IP/ASP/Raj/Feb./1/2014 dated 28/2/2014 addressed Lt. Col. D. K. S. Chauhan, CPMG, Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur by Bhupendra Parasher, Circle Secretary, AIASP Rajasthan Circle with regard to sad demise of Smt. Mohini Gupta and action against many IPs and ASPs with malicious and biased mind.  

          It is therefore urged upon to pass an order for immediate departmental vigilance enquiry at Directorate level on the points raised by the deceased officer in her representation dated 19/1/2014 to elicit the truth and to bring the real culprits behind bars. It is also requested to device safeguard measures for the IP/ASP cadre in order to avoid any such incident in future. 

          Hoping for an early action and line in reply. 
          Yours Sincerely, 

Encl : (56 pages)
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary 

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :  

1.             Lt. Col. D. K. S. Chauhan, Chief PMG, Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur 302007 

2.             Shri Bhupendra Parashar, Circle Secretary, Rajasthan Circle & Inspector Posts o/o CPMG, Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur 302007.