PS Group B DPC for 2015-16- GS writes to Member(P)

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/DPC/PS Gr.B /2015                            dated :     29/8/2015
 Shri AshutoshTripathi,
Member (P)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject :  Holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for vacancy year 2015-16
Respected Sir,
This Association conveys its sincere thanks for timely processing of the DPC for promotion of ASPs to PS Group “B” for the vacancy year 2015-16.  But, it is learnt that same has been held up for the time being in order to include resultant vacancies arising out of JTS DPC for the year 2015-16. Whereas there are laid down provisions to include vacancies arising  on account of “promotion” and “chain vacancies” by keeping approved panel or holding supplementary DPC enabling department to hold PS Group B  DPC without waiting for the result of JTS DPC.
In this regard, a kind reference is invited to para-3 of the Department of Posts (Personnel Division) letter No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09/07/2014 coupled with para-7 of DOP & T OM No.22011/9/98-Estt (D) dated 08-09-1998 (copy enclosed) wherein it is provided that a DPC may take into account all clear expected vacancies by retirement in the concerned grade as well as chain vacancies on account of retirement etc. in the higher grades which can be clearly anticipated in the same vacancy year.
Department of Posts vide Personnel Division letter dated 09/07/2014 has also issued instructions to percolate the seniority quota vacancies arising in higher grades in a vacancy year down to lower cadres/grades and to take into account along with the clear vacancies arising in a particular grade. Further, as clarified vide Para.4.(II) of the said letter a Circle will take into account the vacancies arising from HAG to PS Group-B Cadre in that Circle in a vacancy year as chain vacancies for lower cadres in addition to existing and anticipated vacancies in the said lower cadre arising in that vacancy year.
Moreover, there is also provision for conducting second (supplementary) DPC in accordance with DOP& T OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10-4-89[para 6.4.2(i)] and OM No.22011/2/2014-Estt (D) dated 30-1-2015 (copy enclosed) for the vacancies which could not be anticipated at the time of holding the earlier DPC.
Furthermore, As per the DOP & T guidelines issued from time-to-time, the selected panel is to be kept ready and to be utilized as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year to ensure timely promotion of the employees. As on 1-8-2015 there are 224 vacancies available in PS Gr. B cadre. There will be resultant vacancies of the same vacancy year after holding DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. “A” for the vacancy year 2015-16.
It is therefore requested to your kind honour to convene PS Group B DPC immediately for the vacancy year 2015-16 so that our members could get timely promotion against 224 existing vacancies in PS Gr. B cadre. Supplementary DPC can be held thereafter for resultant vacancies on account of “promotion” and “chain vacancies” as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year 2015-16.
With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,
Enc:-As above
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary