Association intervention- Orders issued to vacate PM posts kept in abeyance

Pursuant to the order issued by CO to vacate all PM posts with immediate effect, Our CS Sri. Nandakumar and former CS Sri. Ajith Kurian met Chief PMG Sri. A.N.Nanda at his chamber on 2.10.15 and discussed the issue in detail. After hearing our side, Hon'ble Chief PMG agreed to keep in abeyance the said order for the time being. A letter was also given to the Chief conveying our protest over this sudden move and requesting to keep in abeyance the said order for at least three months time. Copy of the letter is furnished below for the information of all the members. 

Kerala Circle

No.  IP/ASP/ASSN/15                                                                                       Date:   2.11.2015


The Chief Postmaster General
Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-33


Sub: Order to vacate PM posts –request to keep in abeyance reg:

This is to bring to your kind attention that orders have been issued from Circle Office (Staff Section) directing all ASPs to vacate the PM posts with immediate effect. Such an order issued at this point of time relying on the Postmaster Cadre recruitment rules which have not been officially notified and also on a letter issued by Directorate as early as in 2011 is likely to cause much hardship to our members holding these posts. The said order issued without any provocation will also adversely affect the promotional prospects of many of the IPs who are due for adhoc promotion. It may kindly be seen that no specific instructions have been issued in this matter from Directorate and no Circle other than TN have taken any action on this issue.

 While expressing our strong concern on this matter, I would request your good self to kindly intervene in this matter and cause necessary action to keep in abeyance the said order for at least three months in the best interest of our cadre, for which, we would be ever grateful to you.

With profound regards,

                                                                                                                                       Yours sincerely
                                                                                                                                       S.Nandakumar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Circle Secretary