

Working Comiitee Meeting Held on 25/2

The Working committee meeting was held on 25/2 at Thrissur with the following agenda
1. Merging of IP/ASP
2. Set up of TD Offices and propsal to post ASP and HSA
3. Set up of separate cadre for Postmasters
4. All India Conference at Delhi
5. Circle Conference
6. Any Other matter
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In the opening session Sri Nirmal Kumar, present secretary expressed his diffculty to
continue as secretry as he is holding the chage of Tirur Divsion. As such the commitee
unanimously elected Sri Ajith Kumar, joint secretary as the Secretary till the election is held.

1. After the prolonged discussion over the issue of merger of cadre of IP and ASP,
the circle chapter agreed for meger of IP and ASP provided the nomenclature of the
cadre will remain as ASP wiht gztd status and GP of Rs.4600/-.

2. Regarding setting up of TD sorting , the committe unanimously passed resolution to protest
againt the move of the administration to post ASP and HSA, a purely operative post. It has also been decided to take up the issue with Circle administration and CHQ.

3. Postmasters cadre: The issue discussed in detail and will be brought to the notice of CHQ. The proposal mouted by the Department should be implemented without hampering the interest of our cadre.This issue will be discussed in all India meeting.

4. The folowing CWC members have been slected for attending the all India meeting
1. Nirmal Kumar 2. Ajithkumar 3.Venunathan Pillai 4.Mohammed Shareef and 5.Permanand Kumar.It has also been decided to contribute Rs.200/- by each member towards the coupon collection sent by the CHQ ( Rupees 16000/-) .

5. The next Circle General body meeting will be held at Kollam on May 8. Funds for this meeting will be met from the collection for the all India meeting made from our Circle.

6. Sri Ajithkurian, ASP (CO), Sri Jayakumar IP (RO Cochin) and Sri Mohammed Shareef , ASP(Mails) RO Calicut were entrusted the job of updaing the blog of the association with latest developments.

7. It has been brought to the notice of the commitee by some members that one of our CWC member is maintaining a separate identical blog of our assocaition in parallel and the blog understood to have article against the interest of the association. The committe has requested the member to withdraw the blog

8. The move of some superintendents to attach the newly selcted RPLI/PLI agents ( outsiders )to the sub division for processing the policies secured by them was objected by some of our members. The item will be taken up with CPMG in the next meeting. The committe unanimously decided to request the cheif to evolve a mechanism through wich every such new item of work will be discussed with the association before it is being implemented by the divisions.

9. The members also requested to take up the issue of conducting the DPC for III MACP and for regular promotion of ASPs. The item will be taken in the next meeting with CPMG.

10. The commitee decided to request all the CWC members to collect Rs.200/- from all the members and send to the treasurer at the earliest.

Meeting concluded at 1600 hours

Ajith Kumar