

Rejection of application for PS Group B examination

It has been noticed that applications of some of our members for PS Group B examination has been rejected taking the stand that the period spent for induction training cannot be taken into account for determining length of service required for the said examination. Such a stand would be against the extant instructions contained in GOI instruction 16 below FR 9. The matter has been taken up with Chief PMG, who has promised to look into the issue. A letter has also been given to Madam on this issue, a copy of which is reproduced below.: Further developments will be intimated over the blog.

No.  IP/ASP/ASSN/12                                                                                     Date:     26.4.2012


The Chief Postmaster General
 Kerala Circle
Trivandrum- 695033

Respected Madam,

                                     Sub: Rejection of application for Group B Examination – reg:
  This is to bring to your kind notice the stand taken by the Recruitment Section of CO on admitting candidates for the PS Group B Examination scheduled to be held on 3.6.2012. Some of our members are short of the requisite period of service by some months/days and if the period spent on induction training is taken into account, they would be eligible to appear for the said examination.

  It is settled position as per the provisions contained in GOI instruction 16 below FR 9 (copy enclosed) that in all cases where pre-service training is considered necessary before actual appointment to the post, the period spent by an officer on training immediately before such appointment would count as qualifying service for the purpose of eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, even if the officer is not given the scale of pay of the post but only a nominal allowance.

 However, it is brought to the notice of this Association that some of the applications have been rejected on the plea that the prescribed eligibility condition for the examination is 5 years ‘regular’ service and not qualifying service. Such an interpretation to the said provisions contained in the FR is unfortunate and does not appear to be in tune with the aforesaid instructions. The GOI instructions clearly lays down that the period of training is to be counted as qualifying service for the purpose of eligibility for appearing in the examination and the word ‘qualifying service’ would logically mean whatever service prescribed for being admitted for the examination. To take the literal meaning of the word and deny admission to our members saying that the required qualification is ‘regular’ service is a total injustice.

    As such, I request your good self to kindly intervene in the matter and to issue necessary orders/instructions to admit those members whose applications have been rejected.

       Thanking You,

                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully

                                                                                                  Ajith Kurian
                                                                                                    Circle Secretary