

Postings in IP/ASP cadre

Chief PMG Kerala has issued the following orders in IP/ASP cadre:

1. Smt. P.S.Vidya, IP on deputation at CEPT, PTC Mysore is promoted on adhoc basis to the cadre of ASPOs and posted as ASP(OD), Trivandrum South Division vice Sri. Pranab Kumar Jha transferred.

2. Smt. K.S.Priya, IP, Paravur Sub Dn Aluva is transferred and posted as Dy. Manager, SPCC, Thiruvananthapuram vice Smt. L.Meena promoted and transferred.

3. In partial modification of CO Memo dated 1.5.12, Sri. Saju John is posted as IP RMS/1 TV Division vice Smt. P.Binu promoted and transferred.