

Preparation of Combined All India Seniority List of IPs from 2001 onwards

Directorate vide memo No. 7-1/2015-SPB-II dated 28/7/2015 have already directed all circles to submit year wise list of Inspectors from 2001 onwards for preparation of combined All India Seniority List. As the Directorate has not received correct information from few circles and therefore reminder was issued on 30th December 2015 to all circles with a direction to submit the required information/documents in the prescribed format on or before 5/1/2016. Today, it is learnt that not a single circle has submitted their circles information to Directorate. 

It is requested to all Circle Secretaries and IP/ASPs working in circle office to meet the circle administration and ensure submission of requisite information correctly to the Directorate at the earliest