As announced the Circle Working Committee of the Association was held at Hotel Harbour View Residency on 10.11.12. The meeting commenced at 14.00 hours. In the absence of our President Sri. T.M.Krishnaswamy who is bedridden after suffering a fracture on his leg in an accident at Coimbatore, Sri. B.Padmakumar, Vice President presided over the function.
Various items under the agenda were discussed in detail. The gist of the All India CWC held at Shirdhi was explained by the CS. The decision taken by the CWC to file a fresh case before the CAT challenging the rejection order issued by the DOP and decision to offer full financial support to Sri. Permanand and also to to implead the All India Assn (GS) as one of the applicants was informed by the CS. Other items were all discussed in detail. Sri. Anto.G.Manalil, ASP KCSD has been entrusted with the job of liaising with the Advocate. CS also informed that the job of conducting the next All India CWC has been entrusted to Kerala Circle. The question of venue was discussed and it was decided to conduct the CWC at Trivandrum. Sri. Gopakumar, ASP(HQ), TVM(S) Dn was entrusted with the preliminary duty of conducting enquiries at hotels/resorts in and around TVM so as to get an idea of the expenses. The overall budget was estimated at about 1.50 Lakhs. It was decided to collect Rs 1000/- from each members in two installments of Rs 500 each for conducting the All India CWC.
The post scenario after the review meeting held at CO on 2.11.12 was discussed in detail. In the light of a plethora of targets assigned to the Sub Divisional Heads within a short time, it was decided to give a letter to Chief PMG requesting to provide clerical assistance to sub divisions. The fact that RPLI incentive was not being paid in majority of the Divisions was also pointed out by the members. The CWC decided to bring this issue to the notice of the Chief PMG immediately and if no positive response is received, to resort to a programme of non-cooperation in procuring RPLI/PLI business. The meeting concluded by a vote of thanks by our Treasurer, Sri. Manoj.