A detailed list of the incumbents of all the IP/ASP posts in the Circle has been compiled and the same along with mobil…
OA No. 381/10 came up before the Hon'ble CAT on 26.8.11 when the case was adjourned to 22.09.2011 as per the reques…
No. IP/ASP/ASSN/11 Date: 29.8.11 To, …
Minutes of the meeting have been issued by the Postal Directorate vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25.08.2011. A copy of th…
As the Division Bench in Court-II did not function, OA 381/11 was not listed for hearing on 19.8.11. It is ascertained …
PLI/RPLI review meeting/award distribution ceremony scheduled to be held on 29.8.11 at TVM has been postponed. Many mem…
A combined meeting of all the service unions of this Circle was called by Chief PMG in the wake of the directive of t…
An informal meeting of all the service unions was held at Trivandrum on 16.8.11 to discuss the emerging scenario at Cen…
No. CHQ/IPASP/CA/2011 Dated 12.08.2011 To Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy Secretary (Posts) Department of Posts Dak Bawan…
Letter on the above matter from the GS is reproduced below: Today, the Secretary (Posts) took meeting with our Ass…
The above OA came up again on 8.8.11 when the proxy respondent's Counsel sought one week adjournment due to some ur…
No. IP/ASP/ASSN/11 Date: 10.8.11 To, Sri. Roop Chand General Secretary Sir, Sub: Meeting with Secretary Posts-…
The Circle Working Committee Meeting of the Association was held at Hotel K.K.International, Ernakulam on 6.8.11. The M…
Postal Directorate has issued following transfers/postings in Postal Service Group "B" grade vide No. 9-3/201…
Copy of Postal Directorate letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 03.08.20011 addressed to the General Secretary is reproduc…
A copy of letter issued by CO in the matter is furnished below: All the CWC members are requested to attend the CWC mee…