

CS writes to AD (Est) C.O on review of norms for IP/ASPs

No. IP/ASP/ASSN/11 Date: 27.9.2011


Sri. Amalachandran
Asst Director (Est),O/o Chief PMG
Kerala Circle, TVM-33


Sub: Proposal for review of norms in respect of ASPOs/IPOs – reg:
Ref: Letter No. Est/51-1/Dlg/2011 dated 12.9.11

While inviting your kind attention to the above said letter, it is to be pointed out by this Association that at present the work load of the Sub Division is calculated based on the number of offices and number of staff working in the Sub Division. Such a practice is totally irrelevant and impractical in the present scenario wherein a Sub Division is made to do multifarious jobs including that of many BD related ones. None of these duties are reflected in the work load.

Works such as holding of Melas and Group Meetings to procure RPLI policies, BPL Accounts etc, processing of RPLI policies and writing of CRS, visits to business establishments/school etc are not being taken into account for assessing the work load in a Sub Division. These duties are over and above the traditional duties entrusted to a Sub Divisional IP/ASP.ons etc. The MO paid verification of 25 MOs per months and verification of SB withdrawals exceeding Rs 5000 in BOs and single handed SOs still continues while BPMs can pass withdrawal up to Rs 5000 now. Still the limit for verification of withdrawal continues to be Rs 5000/-. Monitoring of KPI in project arrow offices is another item of work which does not find a place in the work load calculation of the Sub Division. All these works are now being carried out by the Sub Divisional Head single handedly without any clerical assistance. It is therefore very much clear that the additional duties and responsibilities entrusted to Sub Divisions in the present scenario cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be covered within the existing co-efficient provided for the Sub Division.

The above position may kindly be brought to the notice of Directorate while forwarding suggestions for review of norms in respect of ASPOs/IPOs.

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully

Ajith Kurian
Circle Secretary